Beatrice Signorello
The photo series ”Plantsch!” is intended to capture Viennese bathing culture in Gänsehäufel through the eyes of an ”imported Viennese”. Wiener Freibäder (outdoor pools) are not only soaked in
history and unique, they are also closely linked to the city and its culture. A
glimpse into the city’s largest outdoor Freibad exposes the Viennese soul as it relaxes on summer vacation. Through 53 visits in the last season, I could observe the rich and peculiar daily life
in Gänsehäufel. During the realisation of this project I alternated two opposite
approaches: On the one hand I built a trusted bound with the most loyal regular guests. On the other hand, I observed daily visitors in distance. This resulted in a mixture of posed and intimate
portraits with narrative compositions of spontaneous scenes.
Born in Rome 93, Signorello studied Mathematics in Rome and Vienna leading to PhD in
the field. After her departure from academia, she followed her passion for photography and
educated herself through schools in Vienna and Bologna. She focuses on storytelling through
the lens of a medium format film camera. She attended the F. Kubelka school for artistic
E.d. Gfrererterrae challenging order / herausfordern / herausfördern
An expedition leads into the unknown studio landscape of OpenCave. their tectonics, the structure of their deposits, layers, crystallizations and possibly existing cavities are the focus of a
longer stay. The strategy and tools of the soil investigations are based on the structural characteristics of this area, form and decide on the spot. The entirety of what is found is part of the
earth's crust. Soil/Sample/Set/Possibly/Mineral Resources/Mineral Resources we will see e.d gfrerer aug. 2022
exhibitions ..... 11positionen/zanklhaus/graz/1994 ..... 781km/nationalmuseum cluj-napoca/1995 ..... 3stein/steinbruch mellau-vlbg./1997 ........... xx xy/graz 1997 .....
körper-material-raum/graz/1998 ..... blick-atem/graz/1998 ..... architektur-werkstatt/lienz/2000……. sarajevo-fragmented site/sarajevo/2000……. intervallum I/graz/2001....... intervallum
II/graz/2001……. raum3/galerie maerz/linz/2002……. graz-intern/ forumstadtpark/graz/ 2002……. Intervallum III/graz/2002……. thesaurus/haus d. architektur/graz/2003……. hanging around/graz/2003…….
stationen einer reise I-III/graz-odessa-graz/2003……. vis-a-vis/break the brick/graz/2004……. greendepot I/boraville/graz/2005……. die szene sind wir/forum stadtpark/ graz/2005……. schiffbruch auf
hoher see/kalter-stift st.lambrecht/2005....... izgnanije/exil/ graz/ 2005……. borbeni trenutak pauza-kampfpause/graz/2006……. leerstelle/ novi sad/2007……. touching the east-mind the gap/galerie
rhizom/graz/2007……. 24hourhotel/galerie rhizom/ graz/ 2007…… portal lend/graz/2007....... hotel passage-visur333-horizont/odessa/2007…… white territory/regionale1/galerie
medienturm/kalsdorf/2008……. tribute to vienna/dichter herbst/MASC-foundation/wien/2008……. Intervallum IV/galerie remixx/graz/2009……. parabol/forum stadtpark-übelbach/graz/2009…….
traumatologie/tiflis/2009……. hari´s garagen/ graz/2009……. nine dreagon heads/sarajevska zima-turkish cultural institut/sarajevo/ 2010……. itara dot/von hier aus/raumUND-efendi/2010……. continental
drift/tiflis/2010…… kunstpiloten/ verein introspection/graz/2010……. greendepot II /beograd/2011……. rückbau west/ düsündügünüzü-gedankenaustausch/raumUND-efendi/graz/2011… im westen nichts neues/
zwischennordsüd TURM11.3/basilika mariazell/2011…. außenposten dong-shen/raumUND-efendi/graz/2011……. vzpostavitev-wiederherstellung-ans lichtgebracht/ kulturhauptstadt maribor/2012…….
efeu/galerie rhizom/galerientage graz/2012….. realwirtschaft:urlaubs -vertretung/raumUND-efendi/graz/2012…… tarnschriften/verein introspection/ joanneum-graz/ 2012…….
nachhut-desarollo-estima(cion): achtung/afro-asiatisches institut-graz/2o13……. 100x200x300cm:raumUND-efendi/graz/2013……. grünanger-leerstelle-ehemalige kommandantur des lagers V
liebenau/graz/2013…… delta-laboratorium für immunologie/sektor 1 - bukarest/ 2013…… landscape/galerie rhizom/graz/2013……. cafe milano-shelter/galerie rhizom/ keplerkoje-graz/2013… … (k)ein ort um
mich herum/ marktplatz tamsweg-lungau-slbg/2014……. the artists are present/13 positionen/rotor-zentrum f. zeitgenöss. kunst/graz/2014....... stanica u pustinji - haltestelle in der wüste/prostor
I - raum UND/sarajevo/2014…. außenposten/baustelle europa/unt(d)erstand/graz/2015....… waiting a waiting/atelier glettler/wien/2016 .......... 3.35m/künstlerhaus- halle f.kunst
u.medien/graz/2016-2017 ...... TYM korca/styrian call 2016/graz-korca-graz/2017…….. sinktank/introspektion graz/2017 ……..schwerkraft der verhältnisse/kunstverein RHIZOM/ graz 2018…….. im
wald/architektursommer HDA/graz/2018……… guerilla der aufklärung/lebendfalle/ROTOR-zentrum f. zeitgenöss.kunst/graz2018……. WARTEN: ausstellungsdesign/introspection graz/2018………
fluchttreppe/skulpturen im exil/steir.herbst-prenning/2019…….. NACHTGESICHTER: ausstellungsdesign/introspection graz/2019…… in der schwebe/ROTOR-zentrum f.
zeitgenöss.kunst/graz/2020..........molo longo I /steiermarkschau-joanneum/graz 2020…….. molo longo II /kunsthalle/graz/2021