
Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk & Karl Wratschko - The Future is Present - Rotlicht-Festival

The exhibition examines how the future manifests itself in our present and how our perception of nature is changing. Animals and plants are at the center of the artworks. Different artistic practices like documentary series art, analog photography and field recordings are combined. While nature is present in the images, humans remain absent, yet always prevalent.


The short 16mm film »traces« portrays arctic animal sculptures in Vienna during a heat summer, questioning if we will soon only know these animals from zoos and depictions while »more traces« focuses on tropical animal sculptures in Vienna. The exhibition thus examines how our present is transformed by future imaginings.

Open Cave/Vienna, 24.11. -  1.12.2023 (Rotlicht 2023. Festival for analog photography)


ARTIST TALK moderated by Dr. Bernd Gutmannsbauer(Adrian Flux) and Kristina Gorke (Goerk Chen) from Accomplices - Verein zur Erkundung multimedialer Ausdrucksformen.